Voter Autrement 2017, Evaluation 0/1/2

0 voters have participated in this poll.

This method simulates a sport championship. At each round, the candidates fight by pairs. The best candidate of each pair the one who is prefered by a majority of voters goes to the next round. Ties are randomly broken. Fights for the initial round are randomly chosen.
Philippe PoutouPhilippe Poutou0Marine Le PenMarine Le Pen0Philippe Poutou0Nicolas Dupont-AignanNicolas Dupont-Aignan0François AsselineauFrançois Asselineau0Nicolas Dupont-Aignan0Philippe Poutou0Nathalie ArthaudNathalie Arthaud0Emmanuel Macron0Benoît Hamon0Emmanuel Macron0Nathalie Arthaud0Jacques Cheminade0Jean-Luc Mélenchon0Jacques Cheminade0Jean Lassalle0François Fillon0Jean Lassalle0Jacques Cheminade0Nathalie Arthaud0Philippe Poutou